Monday is a moon day, and so we are dealing with emotions, moods, intuition and the shadowy side of life. Many people report Monday as the most challenging day of the week. It’s no wonder, as the moon carries with it erratic and sometimes unpredictable energy. We can counteract fast fluctuations in lunar energy by taking note of the phase of the moon every Monday. This lets our logical mind know “where we stand” in a metaphorical sense Best tasks for Mondays: Meditation, dream analysis, quiet time, personal indulgence, rest, relaxation, sleep.
Why is Sunday called Sunday? Because it's the day the pre-Christian Anglo-Saxons and other Germanic peoples set aside for the worship of the sun. ... The Anglo-Saxons came from Germany. They conquered much of the island of Britain, beginning in the fifth century A.D., were also worshipers of the sun, the moon, and fire.
The sun signifies creation, protection, power and good health. Monday is Moon-day meaning the day of the moon. The moon is closely related to reflection as the moon's light comes from the reflection of the sun. ... Woden represents Mercury, meaning that Wednesday is Mercury day.