

Why Friday is called Friday?

We all know Venus energy, and when it comes to the symbolic meaning of days, Venus is a highly appropriate vibe for Friday, the traditional end-of-the-workweek day. Venus is about love, connection, belonging, comfort, sensuality and passion. If you think about it, the majority people who have traditional Monday – Friday workweeks tend let their hair down and really celebrate on Fridays (points for kicking off the weekend too). Friday is an all-around-feel-good day, replete with the energy of friendliness and kindness. Interestingly, Friday is also the most popular (romantic) date night too. Best tasks and events for Fridays include: Romance, romance, romance! Did I mention romance? Fridays are also perfect for expressing your love amidst friends and family. This is a great day for pleasure and appreciation, so trips to places that make you feel indulged, luxurious or pampered are good too (like a spa, salon, the movies, a jewelry store).

What is the full meaning of Friday?

Friday, Fri(noun) the sixth day of the week; the fifth working day.