
Shravana Nakshatra

Basic information about Shravana Nakshatra

Shravana nakshatra has the ruling planet as Moon and it represent the culmination of the lunar energy. In the night sky, it appears as the shape of the eagle and the corresponding symbol to this is three footprints. In fact the meaning of the name of the nakshatra is 'hearing' and it signifies the art of hearing or the education that is propagated via audible means. The three footprints symbol represents limping which can be associated with Vishnu, the creator. It is also the birth start of Devi Saraswati, the goddess of education and knowledge. Consequently, this nakshatra bestows the wealth of knowledge, educational proficiency and intelligence to its natives.

Career Options for Shravana Nakshatra Born People

Coming to livelihood of these persons, they have career interests that span through services to having their own business. Being dominated with Saraswati, they will be successful in their pursuits of career. The natives will be interested in varied career interests like various streams of engineering, medicinal education, science and many other forms of arts. They will be financially sound unless they go to the wrong path.

Satabhisha Nakshatra Compatibility and Incompatibility

They generally have a successful married life with many children. The compatible nakshatras are Swati, Krittika and Anuradha. Incompatible nakshatras are Moola and Mrigashirsha.