

Krittika Nakshatra

The krittika Nakshatra is the ruling enclosure of Agni devta, the lord of fire who is the divine purifier and is believed to vanish all the taints from the world, from the souls. This pure arena of Lord of fire is ruled by the Lord Surya or Sun which began from 26.40 degrees in Mesha or Aries extending till 10 degrees in Vrishabha or Taurus, where it ends. This is the most brilliant and bright arena which bestows divine light besides which it produces heat for warmth and aggression too besides which it is one of the most significant part of this whole creation. This divine brilliance kills all the evil shades and makes the portrait of life appear as beautiful. On the other part of it, if we goes in the depth of Krittika Nakshatra it has two segments in which the part of Mesha or Aries zodiac is ruled by Mangal or planet Mars who is the most brilliant star in the sky and give out much of splendor while the other part of Vrishabha or Taurus zodiac is ruled by Lord Shukra or planet Venus who is the calm creature of love, fantasy and beauty. Both the segment are the expression of divine and supreme brilliance but they do possess some of the differences in their brightness as the segment of Mars is loud and aggressive while of Venus is soft and loving.

Appearance of people of Krittika Nakshatra

The male natives of Krittika Nakshatra are perceived to possess a normal personality along with middle heightened appearance while those having the impact of Saturn also would get taller statures. These individuals would carry a softness in their eyes besides which they possess strong appearance and tough composition along with a thick neck and prominent nose which altogether makes them lead upon land. They walk with calm appearance along with peaceful approach for which they appear as respected personas upon land.