
Surya Kundali

What is Surya Kundali?

Surya is the only source of life - prana on planet earth, the ruling planet of the solar system has an immense influence on other planets and rashis. Having a Janma Kundali is not enough; Surya Kundali can better illustrate the path to prosperity, career and good health. Surya Kundali can predict reasons behind highs and lows of life and remedies to overcome the lows to reach one’s motive of life. Dr Girish Kondekar is a Surya Kundali expert and has developed a new method of reading Surya Kundali with numerology. He offers the best horoscope advice and accurate predictions based on his research and study.

What is Chandra lagna in astrology?

The ascendant or Lagna is the most powerful house in the horoscope. The moon plays a significant role in the field of astrology while predicting human fate. Moon is so important that the horoscope is considered from the Moon also. This is called Chandra Lagna.

What is Moon chart in astrology?

Lagna Chart considers the sign rising on the eastern horizon at birth as the first house. Moon Chart considers the location of the moon at birth as the reference point. Reading charts from lagna talk about what the world has thrust upon you and what you perceive. Reading from moon, talks about emotional events.